TC-Helicon announces VoiceJam 1.2.5 update

TC-Helicon, @tchelicon , Have today announces the new version of VoiceJam — a powerful iPhone, iPod and iPad app for creating music while on the move. VoiceJam 1.2.5 uses the iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch’s built-in microphone or any Apple certified external microphone to record and layer sound onto an evolving loop. With the recently added ‘InApp purchase’ feature, users can now buy the new VoiceTone R1 reverb effect, designed to allow vocalists to loop, layer and record exciting and professional recordings.
When coupled with hardtune and gender bending from the VoiceTone C1 InApp purchase, VoiceTone R1 reverb takes the billboard-top-40 robotic extreme-pitch-corrected sound over the top! As well as adding the VoiceTone R1 reverb, fine tuning and tweaking has ensured the heavily optimised VoiceJam app has a smaller memory footprint on your device to allow the creativity to last for hours on end.
To try out the audio scrub feature and instant drum-machine like loop triggering, tap or drag any part of the orbiting waveform when the drum icon is lit.
Pricing and availability
The VoiceJam version 1.2.5 upgrade is freely available to existing users via the Apple app store.
New users can download VoiceJam for $4.99 US, £2.99 UK and €3.99 EU.
The In-app purchase of VoiceTone R1 is $1.99 US, £1.49 UK and €1.59 EU
For a real-time product demo video and product details, please visit
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