Review: Whack-it-back

Today we are showing you: Whack-it-back, Which is a fast game of reaction, speed and accuracy.
This is really a lot of fun not just for kids but for adults as well.
Its simple to play:
Turn on
Chooses a side and press the start button
A 3 sec countdown will play and then the game begins
4 buttons on each player will light up and then its time to play
Then its a race to turn off your lights before your opponents does, each time you turn off one of your lights another light will turn on for your opponent, making your opponent have more lights to turn off
If a player manages to turn off there lights with in 30sec they will win that round.
If after 30sec you have not manage to turn off all your lights, then the player with the less amount of lights turn on wins that round.
If you make a wrong move this will incur a time penalty, so be careful.
This would also make a great added for party games, where you can make up a tournament with in your party and the winner wins a prize or something like that along the line.
Just endless amount of fun you can with this,
Overall Kids will love this just as much as us adults
A Great product and one i really do recommend.
Check out there site, for more fun games:
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